The travel reports are ordered by when we got them, not by when they occurred (necessarily). In front of each link there's an indication of the language the report was written in.
June/July 2023
by Fernando & Sandra Luis
August 2023
by Fernando Santos
August 2022
by Família Santos
August 2021
Escapadinha aos Picos da Europa (PT)
by Fernando Santos
August 2020
Photo trip through the Pyrenees (PT & EN)
by Pedro Santos
July 2020
Rota pela Nacional 2 (PT)
by Fernando & Sandra Luis
August 2019
Expedição às Indomáveis Highlands Escocesas (PT)
by Pedro Santos
July 2017
by António and Beatriz
August 2017
Viagem a Viena, Praga, Bratislava e Auschwitz-Birkenau (PT)
by Pedro Santos
August 2016
Viagem Portugal-Polónia/Rep. Checa (PT)
by J. Caseiro
August 2016
Camino del Cid (ES)
by Carlos, Concha e Alba
August 2016
Operação WW II - Viagem a França, Bélgica, Holanda, Alemanha e Luxemburgo - 2016 (PT)
by Pedro Santos
July 2015
Viagem a Roma em Autocaravana 2015 (PT)
by Pedro Santos
July 2015
Viagem Portugal – Paris -Suíça (PT)
by Joel Lourenço
August/September 2010
Viagem Portugal – França - Alemanha - Suíça (PT)
by Fernando & Sandra Luis
July 2014
Viagem à Suíça - Julho 2014 (PT)
by José Santos
May/June 2013
Viagem por Terras de França - BRETANHA, NORMANDIA E VALE DO LOIRE (PT)
by Fonseca e Tessie
May/June 2013
Viagem por: Andorra, França, Itália, Eslovénia, Croácia, Áustria e Suíça (PT)
by José Cintra
August/September 2009
Viagem à Alsácia e Alemanha (PT)
by Fernando & Sandra Luis
July 2010
by Joaquim Silva
Summer 2012
Trip through Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany (PT)
by P. Pimenta
March 2012
Mérida, Cáceres and Santa Cruz (PT)
by DeCarvalho
Easter 2012
Monte Selvagem, Fluviário and Alqueva CampingCar Park (PT)
by DeCarvalho
July 2011
Great trip through Spain and France (PT)
by Mário and Susana
October 2011
The Magic of the Mountains (Portugal) (PT)
by Fonseca and Tessie
August 2011
Summer 2011 – France and Italy (PT)
by Pedro Ventura
March 2011
Almond trees in bloom 2011 (PT)
by Vitor Esteves
May 2011
by Fonseca and Tessie
March 2011
by RuckFules
August and September 2010
Destination Poland (PT)
by Carlos Rodrigues
July 2010
Great trip through Italy and Croatia (PT)
by Mário and Susana
June 2010
From Alenquer to Brussels, Corsica and Sardinia (PT)
by DeCarvalho
August 2010
Galicia 2010 (PT)
by Rui Vaz
May and June 2010
Trip to France (PT)
by J. Sanches and Teresa
April 2010
Mini Easter vacations in the snow (Northern de Spain) (PT)
by Cookie
August 2009
by Carlos Rodrigues
September 2008
by João Morgado
August 2009
Italy, Austria, Czech Republic,... on a motorhome... (PT)
by Leonel Santos
Pre-spring de 2009
Through Brittany to Paris (PT)
by DeCarvalho
July and August 2008
Croatia 2008 (PT)
by José Caseiro
August 2008
Summer of 2008 (PT)
by Leonel Santos
August 2008
Discovering Northeastern Trás-os-Montes (PT)
by Jorge Ribas
August 2007
Trip to Gerês and Galicia (PT)
by Jaqueline, Davide, Ivo and André
August 2007
Trip to Alsace (PT)
by Teresa, Mário and Diogo
June 2007
Trip to Switzerland (PT)
by Paulo, Cristina and Catarina
June 2007
Getaway to Santa Eulalia de Bóveda (ES)
by José Ribas
August and September 2006
by Luis and Cristina
Easter 2006
In the route of D. Quixote (PT)
by DeCarvalho
April 2005
From Cape Roca to North Cape (PT)
by Nuno Machado
August 2004
Trip to Galicia (PT)
by Paulo Rosa